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listening Lesson
WEATHER Level: Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Page 1
Total Time: Approx 45-55 mins With Notes and Answer Key attached Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Listening Quiz Practice
WEATHER Level: Advanced "Tornado Alley" Page 1 Six multiple choice questions with six post-listening discussion questions Page 2 Complete Audio Script and Answer Key Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Ultra Teacher Bonus Ultra Teacher Bonus
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60-minute Lesson Plan
WEATHER Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate "How to Survive a Tornado!" Multi-page lesson:
Answer Key attached Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Basic English Dialogs
WEATHER Level: Beginner to Elementary Three short dialogs for vocabulary, listening, and speaking practice Extension activity on attached Page 2 Answer Key attached on Page 3 Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Writing Practice
WEATHER Level: Elementary to Intermediate "Write a short paragraph to describe what the weather is like in your country in the summer and in the winter! Which kind of weather do you prefer? Why?" Focus on adjectives used to describe weather Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Ultra Teacher Bonus Ultra Teacher Bonus
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Rank & Discuss Opinions
WEATHER Level: Intermediate to Advanced 12 statements about weather Students read, rank their opinions, and then discuss in pairs or small groups Time: Approx 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Word Bank (Gap-Fill)
WEATHER Level: Beginner to Elementary 15 vocabulary items about weather Gap-fill exercise; Answer Key attached Time: Approx 15 - 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
15 Essential Words About Weather
cold cool foggy freezing |
hot hurricane lightning rain |
storm sunny thunder windy |
Try the interactive version of the above worksheet!
EMAIL to your learners!
63 Words About Weather
below zero
Celsius centigrade climate cloud cloudy cool cold cyclone degree drought dry Fahrenheit |
fog foggy freeze frost frostbite global warming hail hailstorm hot hurricane ice ice age |
icy lightning rain rainbow rainy sandstorm satellite photo shade shiver snow snowman snowstorm |
storm stormy sun sunburn sunglasses sunny suntan sweat temperature thermometer thunder thunderstorm |
typhoon warm weather channel weather forecast weather map weather report weather reporter wind windy wind chill |
"Students, like the rest of us, need to be able to do a number of things with a reading text. They need to be able to scan the text for particular bits of information they are searching for. This skill means that they do not have to read every word and line; on the contrary, such an approach would stop them scanning successfully . . . They may scan a computer manual to find one piece of information they need to use their machine . . . But we would expect them to be less utilitarian with a literary work where reading for pleasure will be a slower, closer kind of activity."
How to Teach English ~Jeremy Harmer |
Discussion Practice
WEATHER Level: Intermediate to Advanced 16 Question strips adapted from the above Pair Work activity. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. Activity Notes on Page 2 Time: Approx 10 - 15 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Reading and Grammar
WEATHER Level: Intermediate 308-word article: 'Strange Weather'
Notes and Answer Key attached Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Board Game
WEATHER Level: Intermediate to Advanced 30 questions about weather For groups of two to three players Time: Approx 20 to 25 minutes Dice required Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Ultra Teacher Bonus Ultra Teacher Bonus
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WEATHER Level: Intermediate to Advanced Brainstorming and dictionary practice Use a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the words must begin with the letter of the alphabet given. Some letters may have many different answers, while others may not have an answer. Time: Approx 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!