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(For a list of detailed activity extension ideas, just scroll down to the bottom of this page.)
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Activity Extension Ideas
(1) Activity Type: Writing (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Past Tense and Future Tense
Most of the pictures show aniamals, or people, or even robots. Ask your learners to use their imaginations and write a short paragraph about what happened ten minutes before the image shown in the picture. For example, in the "Lunar Landing" activity they might write, "Ten minutes ago, the astronauts landed in their spaceship to explore the moon. Then they left their spaceship to explore the surface." etc.
The same for future tense ... "In another ten minutes, they will find some interesting moon rocks." etc.
The same for future tense ... "In another ten minutes, they will find some interesting moon rocks." etc.
Modals of Probability
As above, but learners write about what they think might happen, could happen, etc. For example, "In another ten minutes, they might find an alien spacecraft."
Assign either Picture A or Picture B. These activities could be done either in-class or at home for homework. Collect their work and correct to return to them the next lesson.
Assign either Picture A or Picture B. These activities could be done either in-class or at home for homework. Collect their work and correct to return to them the next lesson.
(2) Activity Type: Speaking & Writing (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Ask your learners to write a short dialog between two of the people (or animals or robots) in one of the pictures. Assign a specific minimum number verbal exchanges between the individuals in the pictures (for example, at least three exchanges).
Collect your learners' work, correct it after class, and return it to them the following class. Then (if you choose) have your learners practice the conversations with one or two classmates.
Wrap-up by asking one or two pairs to stand up and practice their conversations for their other classmates. Encourage the use of natural body language and facial expressions.
(3) Activity Type: Writing (Grammar & Vocabulary)
There is / There isn't
There are / There aren't
There are / There aren't
Following the Spot the Differences activity, ask your learners to write a certain number of sentences (ten sentences, for example) to describe the picture. Ask them to use "There is ..." etc. in each sentence. for example, "There are two astronauts" and "There is a rocket", etc. Or, "There aren't any buildings", etc.
Collect your learners' work, correct it after class, and return it to them the following lesson.
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