Ultra Teacher Bonus Ultra Teacher Bonus
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Step 1) First, have your students sit together in pairs and then play the audio once or twice; have them discuss what they heard. Step 2) Then, distribute the worksheet to your learners. Have them work on it independently before comparing their answers with a classmate. Step 3) Elicit and discuss the correct answers. |
Describing Pictures
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Elementary to Intermediate Look at the picture and decide if each description is true or false. Answer Key attached Time: Approx 10 to 15 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Add an extra 5 to 10 minutes to the activity when using the above Active Listening.
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Basic English Dialogs PLACES AROUND TOWN
Level: Beginner Three short dialogs for vocabulary, listening, and speaking practice. Extension activity on attached Page 2 Answer Key attached on Page 3 Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Writing Practice
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Elementary to Intermediate "Write a short paragraph to describe two of your favorite places in your town or city. Include information such as why you like these places and how often you go there." Focus on present simple tense and adjectives Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Ultra Teacher Bonus Ultra Teacher Bonus
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Discussion Practice
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced 16 Question strips adapted from the above Pair Work activity. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. Activity Notes on Page 2 Time: Approx 10 - 15 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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'Find Someone Who' Activity
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Elementary to Intermediate Classic 'Find Someone Who' activity Whole class activity Activity Notes on Page 2 (with Activity Version 1 and Version 2) Time: Approx 15 - 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Group Discussion
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced You and your classmate are city planners and you are going to make a new city. Use a pencil and decide where to put the parks, schools, downtown area, etc. Compare with your classmates. Pair work and small groups Activity Notes on Page 2 Time: Approx 20 - 30 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Word Bank
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate 15 vocabulary items about places around town Gap-fill exercise; Answer Key attached Time: Approx 15 - 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
15 Essential Words About Places Around Town
art gallery
bakery clinic crosswalk gym |
laundromat library movie theater museum |
pharmacy post office sidewalk supermarket |
Try the interactive version of the above worksheet!
EMAIL to your learners!
Spelling Worksheet
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate PAGE 1 15 sentences with 15 scrambled words on the topic of 'places around town' PAGE 2 15 sentences (same as above) - listen and write the missing words. Extend by using the question sentences as a Q&A activity. This is a great follow-up to the above Word Bank gap-fill activity which uses the same 15 words! With Notes and Answer Key on Page 3 Total Time: Approx 20 - 25 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Word Bank
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced 63 vocabulary items: places around town Question: Which 6 words below are kinds of people? Answer Key attached Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
63 Places Around Town
alley apartment building art gallery bakery bank bank machine barbershop bookstore bowling alley bridge bus stop |
church clinic coffee shop college convenience store crosswalk department store downtown factory fire station garage |
gas station
grocery store gym hair salon hospital hotel house Internet cafe intersection laundromat law court library mosque |
movie theater
museum neighborhood news stand office building park parking lot pet store pharmacy playground police station port post office |
restaurant school shopping mall sidewalk stadium suburbs subway supermarket temple train station university zoo |
Try the interactive version of the above worksheet!
EMAIL to your learners!
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Board Game
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced 30 questions about places around town For groups of two to three players Time: Approx 20 to 25 minutes Dice required Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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2- to 3-Hour Lesson
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced Nine pages of activities about special buildings and the Taipei 101 (vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing); Answer Key attached Time: Approx 120 - 180 minutes total Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Activity - Draw and Write
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate Page 1 Draw a picture of a building in your city or country! Or use your imagination to design your own building. Page 2 Write a short descriptive paragraph about the building in your picture. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you - as well as your own words and ideas. Time: Approx 10 minutes (page 1) + 20 minutes (page 2) Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on color ink!
Word Bank (Gap-Fill)
ADJECTIVES THAT DESCRIBE PLACES Level: Intermediate to Advanced 15 adjectives that describe places Gap-fill exercise; Answer Key attached Time: Approx 15 - 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
15 Essential Words Used to Describe Places
bright crowded dirty empty |
large messy modern neat |
noisy spacious tall traditional |
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Vocabulary Quiz
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Elementary to Intermediate 14 vocabulary items about places around town Answer Key attached Time: Approx 10 - 15 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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Rank & Discuss Opinions
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced 12 statements about places around town Students read, rank their opinions, and then discuss in pairs or small groups Time: Approx 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
PLACES AROUND TOWN Level: Intermediate to Advanced Brainstorming and dictionary practice Use a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the words must begin with the letter of the alphabet given. Some letters may have many different answers, while others may not have an answer. Time: Approx 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Consider breaking your class into two teams and see which team can come up with the most (correctly spelled) words within a given time limit. Also, consider giving this worksheet to your students for homework. |